Tuesday, July 7, 2009

As the title says, this is going to be a blog about things going on in my life; things I'm accomplishing in my writing career and little tidbits about the goings on in my fictional town of Tuckers Mill.

First off, my life is currently all about the writing LOL Right now, I'm working on the 2nd draft of the first book in my series about Tuckers Mill. The books will depict life in a small town where everyone knows each other which can be or not always be a good thing! I'm hoping to create characters who people can laugh with, cry with and want to sit down and have a cup of coffee or tea in the morning with even after the book is finished. In other words, I want to introduce real people my readers can identify with.

I'm hoping Tuckers Mill is the kind of town you'll want to visit again and again. I know I'm looking forward to visiting as often as possible.


  1. Cosmo and I have only visited briefly, but it sounds like the kind of place we'd like for an extended stay. :)

  2. Looks great!!! I love the town's name and can't wait to read all about it! Go for it! Love, L

  3. Good job, JB! Whenever you are ready for a full website, you just let me know.

  4. ready to rumble? :) we'll see if we can get the second story out this week *snicker*

  5. Love the new name for the town. Can't wait to read it.

  6. Always new you could do it...can't wait to visit Tucker.

  7. I am very excited. Tuckers Mill, eh? Doesn't sound like there will be any use for the line "As the waves lapped restlessly....?"
