Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boy, life has sure been moving at a hectic pace! It seems like it was just Memorial Day yesterday and now July is almost over.

I've been putting the finishing touches on my first book in the Tuckers Mill series and finding out that doing revisions is just as hard as writing the book in the first place! Thankfully, it's moving along and I'm hoping to get it out there into the world and hopefully accepted by an agency by September of this year. Please keep your fingers crossed!

I've written a tag line for the first book and entered it in a contest. Here it is, please tell me what you think.

Tucker Mills - visit once, stay a lifetime!

I'm hoping this will be true for both the characters in my series of books and also the readers!


  1. Your puppy is adorable, and i'm looking forward to reading your blog.
