Wednesday, July 8, 2009

WEDNESDAY, July 8, 2009

Last night my friend JJ and I did writing races together. We work in either fifteen or twenty minute sessions and then exchange word counts when our time is up. JJ controls the timer; I might be tempted to cheat if I’m on a roll! Since we didn’t actually get started until close to 2AM, we only did two races. Results, however, were good J

Today I’ll be going over what I did last night to clean it up and hopefully, make it shine. Tonight, we’ll try for less chatter and more racing LOL

I’m getting ready for our annual trek down to Boonsboro, MD for an anniversary signing for Nora Roberts, Linda Howard and several other authors. Friends I’ve talked with online all year will be there and it’s like attending the best high school reunion you ever went to! More on that as our departure date gets closer. Hopefully, I’ll be able to blog about some of the goings on while I’m down there. Keep tuned in!

Actually, Tuckers Mill sprang to life in my imagination after seeing Boonsboro for the first time. It’s larger than my own imaginary town but filled with the same friendly people. It has a quaint Main Street there that I modeled my own after, even placing my main character, Molly Barber’s bookstore on it along with several other businesses that will show up in different books in the series.

That’s all for today. Hope you’re enjoying these little slices of my real life and the little peeks at Tuckers Mill. See you soon!


  1. I just know you'll have a great time! Take notes so you can blog all about it! :)

  2. Hopefully you won't blog about the drunken friend who tripped over her shoes!
